2022-2023 Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Areas of Thesis Guidance


Yousef Bozorgnia, PhD, PE (UC Berkeley, 1981)

Structural engineering, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology

Scott J. Brandenberg, PhD, PE (UC Davis, 2005)

Geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil-structure interaction, liquefaction, data acquisition and processing, numerical analysis

Mekonnen Gebremichael, PhD (U. Iowa, 2004)

Remote sensing of hydrology, watershed hydrologic modeling, hydrometeorology, stochastic processes and scaling

Eric M.V. Hoek, PhD (Yale, 2001)

Physical and chemical environmental processes, colloidal and interfacial phenomena, environmental membrane separations, bio-adhesion and bio-fouling

Jennifer A. Jay, PhD (MIT, 1999)

Aquatic chemistry, environmental microbiology

Jiann-Wen Woody Ju, PhD, PE (UC Berkeley, 1986)

Damage mechanics, mechanics of composite materials, computational plasticity, micromechanics, concrete modeling and durability, computational mechanics

Dennis P. Lettenmaier, PhD, NAE (U. Washington, 1975)

Hydrologic modeling and prediction, hydrology-climate interactions, hydrologic change

Enrique López-Droguett (University of Maryland, 1999)

Quantum computing, artificial-intelligence-supported digital twins, and prognostics and health management based on physics-informed deep learning for reliability, risk, and safety assessment of structural and mechanical systems

Shaily Mahendra, PhD (UC Berkeley, 2007)

Environmental microbiology, biodegradation of groundwater contaminants, microbial-nanomaterial interactions, nanotoxicology, applications of molecular biological and isotopic tools in environmental engineering

Steven A. Margulis, PhD (MIT, 2002)

Surface hydrology, hydrometeorology, remote sensing, data assimilation

Ali Mosleh, PhD, NAE (UCLA, 1981)

Reliability engineering, physics of failure modeling and system life prediction, resilient systems design, prognostics and health monitoring, hybrid systems simulation, theories and techniques for risk and safety analysis

Sriram Narasimhan, PhD (Rice University, 2005)

Structural dynamics, structural control, system identification, vibration and acoustic signal processing, robotics, computer vision, data-driven modeling and remaining life prediction

Gaurav N. Sant, PhD (Purdue, 2009)

Cementitious materials and porous media with focus on chemistry-structure-property relationships and interfacial thermodynamics of materials

Michael K. Stenstrom, PhD, PE (Clemson, 1976)

Process development and control for water and wastewater treatment plants

Jonathan P. Stewart, PhD, PE (UC Berkeley, 1996)

Geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology

Ertugrul Taciroglu, PhD (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1998)

Computational structural and solid mechanics, constitutive modeling of materials, structural health monitoring, performance-based earthquake engineering, soil-structure interaction

John W. Wallace, PhD, PE (UC Berkeley, 1988)

Earthquake engineering, design methodologies, seismic evaluation and retrofit, large-scale testing laboratory and field testing

William W-G. Yeh, PhD, NAE (Stanford, 1967)

Hydrology and optimization of water resources systems

Jian Zhang, PhD (UC Berkeley, 2002)

Earthquake engineering, structural dynamics and mechanics, seismic protective devices and strategies, soil-structure interaction, and bridge engineering

Professors Emeriti

Stanley B. Dong, PhD, PE (UC Berkeley, 1962)

Structural mechanics, structural dynamics, finite element methods, numerical methods and mechanics of composite materials

Lewis P. Felton, PhD (Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1964)

Structural analysis, structural mechanics, automated optimum structural design, including reliability-based design

Michael E. Fourney, PhD, PE (Caltech, 1963)

Experimental mechanics, special emphasis on application of modern optical techniques

Richard L. Perrine, PhD (Stanford, 1953)

Resource and environmental problems—chemical, petroleum, or hydrological; physics of flow through porous media; transport phenomena; kinetics

Moshe F. Rubinstein, PhD (UCLA, 1961)

Systems analysis and design, problem-solving and decision-making models

Keith D. Stolzenbach, PhD, PE (MIT, 1971)

Environmental fluid mechanics, fate and transport of pollutants, dynamics of particles

Mladen Vucetic, PhD (Rensselaer, 1986)

Geotechnical engineering, soil dynamics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, experimental studies of static and cyclic soil properties

Associate Professors

Mathieu Bauchy, PhD (U. Pierre et Marie Curie, France, 2012)

Development of high-performance and sustainable glasses and cementitious materials for infrastructure and handled devices applications; multiscale simulations of materials

Henry V. Burton, PhD, SE (Stanford, 2014)

Performance-based earthquake engineering, seismic design, evaluation and retrofit, en-hanced seismic performance systems, building community resilience

Timu W. Gallien, PhD (UC Irvine, 2012)

Urban coastal flood prediction, wave runup and overstopping, coastal hazards, sea level rise, flood control infrastructure and mitigation methods, nearshore remote sensing and observation

David Jassby, PhD (Duke, 2011)

Water treatment and desalination, membrane separation processes, membrane material fabrication, electrochemistry, environmental applications of nanotechnology

Jiaqi Ma, PhD (U. Virginia, 2014)

Transportation engineering, connected and automated vehicles, mobility systems, transportation systems resilience, intelligent transportation systems

Assistant Professors

Tierra S. Bills, PhD (UC Berkeley, 2013)

Transit accessibility, transportation equity analysis, emerging data for travel modeling

Sanjay Mohanty, PhD (U. Colorado Boulder, 2011)

Effect of water change on water quality and quantity; sustainable urban development at the water-energy nexus; transport of contaminants and colloids in the subsurface and groundwater; stormwater capture, treatment, and re-use; bioremediation

Regan Patterson, PhD (UC Berkeley, 2019)

Social equity and environmental sustainability in transportation

Adjunct Professor

Thomas Sabol, PhD, SE (UCLA, 1985)

Seismic performance and structural design issues for steel and concrete seismic force resisting systems; application of probabilistic methods to earthquake damage quantification

Adjunct Associate Professors

Donald R. Kendall, PhD, PE (UCLA, 1989)

Hydraulics, groundwater hydrology, advanced engineering economics, stochastic processes

Issam Najm, PhD, PE (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1990)

Water chemistry; physical and chemical processes in drinking water treatment